Thursday, December 15, 2005

Wake up America

Wake Up America

Editor Irene Waugh

I just received an E-Mail which said “I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.

Here is my response.

Forget Pride. The Lord says Pride goes before a fall.

911 is the date of one of the most profound wake-up calls Americans have ever seen.

911__________ our number to call
when we need help.

So please forget pride. God is trying to tell us;


We need to get on our "911" hotline to heaven and ask God to send us a Jeremiah who will show us where we have gone wrong and not just us here in America. Listen to Jeremiah who said,

Therefore hear , O nations, and know, O congregation,
what is among them.

behold, I am bringing disaster on this people...
because they have not listened to my words,
and as for "My Law" they have rejected it. (Jer.6:18-19)

Thus says the Lord,
Stand in the ways and see and ask for
the "OLD PATHS",
where the good way is and walk therein.
and you shall find rest for your souls.
(verse 16 )

Were they ashamed
because of the abomination they have done?
They were not even ashamed at all.
They did not even know how to blush.
Therefore they shall fall among those who fall.
At the time that I punish them, they shall be cast down (verse 15 )

But then someone says, that was God talking to Israel who had mingled paganism into their worship. What does that have to do with us?. What have we done?

Here I will attempt to show you what we have done. We too (the church) along with the world has bowed down to false gods.

God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, “NAKED” and too ignorant to know that they were naked. God placed the tree of "KNOWLEDGE to know the difference between "GOOD AND EVIL" in the garden, and forbid them to eat of it, saying, “ in the day you eat thereof you shall surely die.” As long as they did not have knowledge God did not hold them responsible.

After they ate of the tree of KNOWLEDGE, they saw that they were naked and made a feeble attempt to cover their shame by making fig leaf loin coverings. Yet when they heard God walking in the Garden they hid themselves because (and I quote Adam)

I heard the sound of Thee in the Garden
and I was afraid
So I hid myself

What ? you mean all of these people in the world today who began to take off their clothes and are running around in shorts and bathing suits are naked? That is right. You can take Adam's word for it, for he had eaten of the tree of knowledge to know the difference between "GOOD AND EVIL". He knew.

Now look what God did. He made "KETONETH" for Adam and Eve of skins and clothed them. Well someone says, What is "KETONETH"? It is the Hebrew word for a garment to the feet. When the New Covenant was written in 1 Timothy 2:9 it says; Let your women adorn themselves in modest "STOLE". Well, someone says; What is a stole? It is the Greek word for a garment to the feet. Now we did not need to know the ancient language because tradition kept this custom alive for all these centuries in the civilized world (until 1913 AD), until after the atheists developed a blueprint for as they said;

"WE are going to change
all of their traditions,
doctrine, and
by the process
of the inevitability of gradualness."

They have said that the change would be imperceptible to any one generation .Back in the 60s you heard a lot about the “New Morality” It was being refereed to by all of the churches and the sociologists. Then one day as I was reading William Z. Foster’s (head of the Communist Party USA for about 30
years) book “TOWARD SOVIET AMERICA” written about 1930-33 in which he refereed to the “NEW MORALITY”. But guess what he called it?


Now we are alarmed that there have been so many changes. Now drugs is a major problem all over the world. Our high courts have legalized pornography, and destruction of the unborn, and now our children are no longer safe in the classroom, as students are now armed with guns in the school. How did we ever get to the point of legalizing pornography? Well that story goes like this.

These sinister atheistic Communists who determined to change all of our morals told us they would do it by infiltrating our government and the churches, and by infiltrating every organization.

About 1850 having established the field of fashion designing, the first change they made was in men’s wear. Men's pants went down to just below the knees, so they dropped the pants legs down to the shoe tops. This change went over very well. It did not violate our moral code. Then about 1890 in an attempt to raise the woman's skirt, they designed a dress 8 inches from the floor which “WAS” a violation of our moral code, and tried to sell it as a practical invention to be worn by women who were riding a bicycle. Historians tell us no one bought it.

Eight years went by before they were able to come up with an evil genius: a 4 step plan in order to get the women out of their modest dress which went to their feet, using their plan of the inevitability of “gradualness.”
By this time the designers were in control. They had their Fashion Magazines which sold what ever they put out. Women were "fashion" conscious. One designer COCO CHANEL was very confident she had come up with a fool proof plan.

(First) She designed a skirt which she dubbed
"The Hobble Skirt" it was so tight around the ankles that it was a pain to wear. She let the ladies wear the hobble skirt for 3 years.

(Second) She did something that had never been done in the history of the Christian community.
She slit the hobble shirt up to the knee. She seduced the Christians to adopt this style
she had borrowed from the Orient Saying these women are very moral women.

Historians say for the first time in the history of women's dress in the Christian community there was a window to woman's legs. It is reported that men congregated at the stage coach stops to get a glimpse of women's legs as they had to raise their skirts in order to board the stage coaches.

(Third) Next she brought out the 1890 dress which was 8 inches from the floor,
but she was not going to make the same mistake that they had made 12 years earlier.
So she had the dress modeled with high boots.
which covered what the dress failed to cover. It sold !
As the women came home, and kicked off those miserable boots and lounged around at home; they soon lost their sense of shame.

( Fourth ) Just one year later she had the dress 8 inches from the floor modeled
WITHOUT THE BOOTS. The models wore dainty little slippers.
The year was 1913 when these revolutionaries successfully broke God's dress code, which went all the way back to the Garden Of Eden.

God had restrained the atheistic antichrist Communists (2 Thess. 2:6) who had been trying to take over the world for 200 years. But now that we have bowed our knees to this false god that had arisen (a Communist front, established to promote the destruction of all of our traditions, morals, doctrines, and conventions) and committed abomination; just 42 months later (Rev. 11:2,13:5) God gave the Communists their first victory in Russia the Bear. The Beast of Rev. 13 has the feet (foundation) of the bear.

After the Christian community committed this abomination before God ; we had TWO bloody WORLD WARS with God bringing to pass two terrifying events. In World War one God no longer restrained the atheistic Communists, but allowed them to take root in Russia (the Bear) from which they expanded to take-over more than one-third of the entire world. A result of World War 11; He fulfilling his promise to the Jews that he would bring them back to their homeland and gave Palestine back to the Jews, which is our sign that the stage is being set for the end for the “ times of the Gentiles.”

From there you know the story of the shrinking dress until finally it went to the thigh high "Mini Dress” and then the “Micro- Mini” dress and at the same time the "fashion gods" unveiled the Topless Bathing Suit in 1964, and topless bars opened up all over the world. After the topless was unveiled, just 42 months later God gave Jerusalem back to the Jews in a 6 day war, which marked the end of the times of the gentiles Rev. 11:2.

When Israel’s enemies on all sides came up against them, with God's help they defeated them all in just 6 days. In 1965 I put all of this out there and there was no responses from anyone, but the fashion gods. They feared I was going to generate a counter revolution so their next step was to do something they had never done before, in order to prevent a counter revolution (according to a report by Look magazine) they said they were going to give us freedom and they designed the

"Mini" and the
"Midi" and the

and they modeled all three lengths and said,

Take your choice.

“Now we give you freedom” just as it had been prophesied nearly 2000 years ago by the Apostle Peter who said that we were going to be infiltrated 11 Peter 2:1 and

For speaking out arrogant words of vanity
they entice by fleshly desires, ( “sexy” describes everything
by sensuality, (this perfume is called My Sin)
those who barely escape
from the ones who live in error,
while they themselves are slaves of corruption,
for by what a man is overcome,
by this he is enslaved.
11 Peter 2:19-20

Once the dress code was broken; Pandora’s Box was opened. They boasted that it only took 10 years to get women out of their “old fashioned garb.” Their next move was to destroy the tradition of uncut hair for women in about 1920. Now this took a little longer, because the translators did a pretty good job on 1 Cor. 11:1-16. where God made it very plain that He gave woman her uncut hair for her covering [literally-He gave woman her uncut hair for a veil). In 1 Timothy 2:9

Let your women adorn themselves
in modest apparel

This translation is rather ambiguous, and once challenged was a subject of debate, because the translators used a generic word “apparel” to translate “STOLE” which is a garment of specific dimension: to the ankles. But 1st Corinthians 11:1-16 is very plain. God gave woman uncut (long hair) for her covering.

Therefore; it took 20 years to break this code, and they were not ever able to make it 100%. Anyone who refused to cut their hair was labeled “a holdout” And smeared as “OLD FASHIONED”. And there have always been “holdouts” on this one, but only one denomination, the “Amish” people are left standing as a remnant of “holdouts” as a reminder to us that we are a fallen people.

When Israel began to mingle paganism into their religion and Elijah lamented to God that Israel had killed all of the prophets and now they seek my life; remember what God’s reply was to Elijah ?

“I have reserved unto myself 7000
who have not bowed the knee to Baal !

Even so God has reserved unto himself thousands who have not bowed their knees to this god who says “Now you shall cut off your skirts 8 inches”, and like robots the world cut off their skirts 8 inches and the holy women of God began to feel ashamed of their skirt to the feet and one by one they succumbed and like robots they took the scissors to their skirts and violated a tradition as old as Eve ! And that winter the wind whistled up their shirts and they suffered from the cold, but they did not dare violate the fashion gods and cover their legs. This was before they invented “pants” for women which protect us in cold weather.

Next this god in Paris said, , now you will cut off your skirts another 6 inches, and again the world rushed out to obey and took the scissors yet again to their skirts, while the holy women looked on with fear, fear of God if they did this lascivious thing and fear of ridicule from the world if they did not. But as the unconverted in the church joined ranks with the world, it lent credibility to also join in this venture, and one by one all the holy women bowed their knees to this god, except the Memonites and the Amish sect. That winter they nearly froze to death as the wind whistled up their abbreviated skirts, but they would endure any torture rather than suffer ridicule from the world who worshipped those fashion gods.

As I said, once the Communists succeeded in breaking our dress code, (eventually even the Catholic nuns succumbed) It was like opening Pandora’s Box. The world continued on it's downward spiral, with the 60s SEX REVOLUTION with FREE SEX with fornication legitimized endowed with a new designation, that of pre-martial and extra-martial sex and sexual perversion coming out of the closet and championed as an acceptable “lifestyle” and the FREE SPEECH movement which demanded that every vile word be permissible, using our Constitutional right to freedom of speech for justification for freedom to spew profanity, cursing, every vile word imaginable from their mouth .

Stalin had announced that he would send SEX and DRUGS into America and so completely corrupt America that America would fall into their hands like an over ripe fruit. America was so flooded with sex (pornography which entered this country through NY, NY, which has been reported to have the highest number of sexual perverts of any city in the US. Ny is the place that has now suffered such terrible tragedy, porn was trucked to Maryland, and from there to places of distribution all over our country) and drugs, and by infiltrating our government they were able to get their judges on the high court, and pass legislation making pornography legal and legalizing abortion (murder) of the unborn infant human beings. Then God made another attempt to rescue us by sending AIDES, with the greatest number of cases reported in NY, NY, that city that now has suffered from this terrible terrorist attack. But that too has failed to bring America to repentance.

Now he has sent TERRORISTS to our shores. Why do the Arab nations hate us? Just today I heard our commentators smearing those nations as ”Victorian” and “Puritanical’, “fundamentalists”. And they extolled us as “MODERN.” and called upon them to tolerate our views on abortion.

The Arab peoples complain that we are trying to corrupting their people. Women from the west go there wearing shorts and halters. The nuslims have steadfastly refused to bend their knees to this fashion gods. They do not want the day to come when it will be a shame for their women to be a virgin and their women take pride in calling themselves whores, as is the case in America. Jesus complained that

the children of darkness are wiser than the children of light.

We should be an example unto those who have not received Jesus, but instead they stand there, a living rebuke to Christianity.

Please send this message to as many as you can, and pray to God that 911 is going to really wake us up to our fallen state, and call upon one another to go back to the “OLD PATHS”, repenting of our sins that we may obtain forgiveness and mercy from God, and save our children who this god is preying upon first and foremost for they have said they are targeting everyone who is under the age of 30. If they can get that age group to worship them,
then they can intimidate the rest and compel them to also bow down to them, and using this strategy they have destroyed our morals, and as they say ushered in the NEW COMMUNIST MORALITY, by revolutionizing woman; producing what they call “THE NEW WOMAN”. Paul wrote in Col. 3:5

Consider the members of your earthly body
as dead to:
evil desire,
and greed,
which is idolatry!

Editor Irene Waugh

Irene ask me to post this for her on the net. My e- mail is


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